Where can I find old issues of the student newspaper?


The SHC Archives & Special Collections Department has created the Digital Collections of Spring Hill College, which includes online copies of the college student newspaper, The Springhillian.  

Image of student newspaper front coverThe Springhillian Student Newspaper Digital Collection contains the campus student paper for the years 1910 through October 2018. The publication ceased during World War II and there were no issues published between Fall 1943 - Spring 1947.

The digitization of The Springhillian, our student newspaper, allows researchers, students, faculty, and friends of Spring Hill College a unique glimpse into life on campus over the past one hundred years.  Over the years, the student newspaper has chronicled student government, social events on campus, athletics, and student life.  

Of note, many school years a single, special April Fool's Day issue called "The Springhooligan" was published.  These issues are searchable in the collection with the regular school year issues.

Searching online can be done by keyword or date.  Please use the collection link above to begin your search.


  • Last Updated Jul 31, 2019
  • Views 40
  • Answered By Lauren Jensen SHC

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